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LANSING, Mich. — The Michigan Overdose Prevention Coalition calls on community members around the state to recognize International Overdose Awareness Day by having conversations with friends and family about substance use and spreading the message that overdose is a preventable problem affecting communities everywhere.

MOPC is taking on the crisis by educating policymakers, engaging the local community, and advocating for effective policy changes in support of lifesaving harm reduction measures such as naloxone and syringe service programs.

“Statewide authorization of SSPs would allow for greater funding toward the lifesaving resources they provide without bias to all residents,” said Steve Alsum, executive director of the Grand Rapids Red Project.

Held on August 31 every year, International Overdose Awareness Day recognizes the risks of overdose, honor individuals whose lives have been lost, reduce stigma of those who use drugs, and acknowledge the collective grief felt by friends, families and communities impacted by the drug overdose crisis.

Together, we can reduce overdose deaths in Michigan. Learn more about the lifesaving impact of harm reduction and syringe service programs at



Dawn Doerr, Public Sector Consultants